This Glossary provides definitions for key terms used in the AG5 API. This section helps users understand important concepts, data structures and terminology relevant to AG5 API integration.
Achievements represent completed qualifications or certifications assigned to a user. They contain key details such as issue date, expiration date, associated documents, and approval status. Achievements can be retrieved via the API to track progress, validate qualifications, or integrate with external reporting systems.
Contract types define different categories of employment or service agreements within the system. Each contract type includes a unique identifier, name, external code and timestamps for creation and last modification.
GET /contractTypes – Retrieves a list of all contract types available to the API user. Supports pagination using deltaToken
and pageToken
GET /contractTypes/{id} – Fetches details of a specific contract type by its unique id
These endpoints allow organizations to standardize and manage contract classifications within their HR or workforce management systems.