Compliance calculations - Advanced Analytics API
The compliance score is calculated by dividing the number of compliant qualifications by the number of required qualifications.
A qualification is compliant when an employee needs to achieve that qualification on a certain level and the employee has achieved the qualification on that level or higher.
Compliance per Grouping
AG5 Advanced Analytics (version April 2023) introduced the compliance per grouping.
A grouping can be a role, a department etc. All groupings in an AG5 repository (environment) can be found under Organization > Groupings.
Generally the Compliance grouping score is calculated by following these steps:
Determine the number of required calculations per position in that grouping
Do this for all the positions in that grouping: the sum is the total number of required qualifications.
Determine the number of compliant qualifications per position in the grouping (has the employee achieved the required qualification at the required level)
Do this for all the positions in that grouping: the sum is the total number of required qualifications.
Divide the number of compliant qualifications by the number of required qualifications.
Note: An employee can have one or more positions. Therefore, requirements apply to positions, not to employees. However, a result / achievement is recorded per employee.
Types of Grouping Compliance
For each grouping, in the GroupingCompliance event, 4 types of compliance scores are calculated. They differ in scope of the required qualifications.
Positional grouping compliance
Tracks the compliance of the positions in a grouping by taking ALL requirements attached to each position into account, including the personal requirements.
The positional compliance for a team is calculated based on all requirements for the people in that team. This will include the requirements specific for that team, but also the requirements for any other tag in their position (for example, their role or that they are part of another team as well).
For each position, all requirements (for all their position tags and the personal requirements) are counted.
Isolated and contextual grouping compliance
Only tracks the requirements specific to this grouping. It checks for each position in that grouping how they score on the requirements defined for that grouping.
The isolated compliance uses the requirements with one tag (qualification is required for positions with that tag) and the inherited requirements (requirements defined on a parent grouping). If the grouping is tagged with another grouping, the requirements for the tagged grouping are also counted in the isolated compliance. The contextual compliance looks, in addition to the aforementioned requirements, also at the requirements with multiple tags (the qualification is required for positions with all tags defined in the requirement rule) .
Four qualifications are required for positions with Role A. One other qualification is only required for positions with Role A and Role B. The Isolated compliance is calculated based on the four first qualifications. The contextual compliance is calculated for all five qualifications.
The isolated compliance will not take Machine lines know-how into account. The contextual compliance will. This requirement applies to David Jonker since he is both Production - Jr Spec and Logistics - Jr Spec
Count rule grouping compliance
Tracks the compliance defined by the ‘count rules’ which apply to this grouping. It checks for each rule whether the minimal required number of employees who satisfy the score is achieved.
The organization has defined for a Team that at least 4 positions should know Qualification X on level 2. The calculation counts how many employees in the team have achieved Qualification X on level 2. If it is more than 4, the team is compliant with that rule. The same calculation applies to all other count rules that are defined for the team.
Partial compliance
For each type of calculation described before, both the score and the partial score are available. The score looks at full compliance as described above. The partial score also takes into account if the required level is not fully achieved, but partially.
When a qualification is required on level 4, but only achieved on level 3, the partial compliance score counts a 75% compliance for that qualification for that employee.
Compliance for Employee-Qualification combination (Alert list)
In December 2023, we introduced the Employee-Qualification compliance. This compliance is known as the Alert list within the AG5 product itself. Everyday the following information is stored in the DataLake (and retrievable through the Advanced Analytics API):
date of export
reference to the Employment entity table
reference to the Qualification entity table
level on which the qualification is required for this employee. If the required qualification does not have levels, the required level will be 1.
level on which the qualification is achieved for this employee (which level was recorded in the result). If the achieved qualification does not have levels, the achieved_level (if there is a valid result) will be 1
date of the last result
expiration date of the last result
a string with the status (see list below)*
a number between 0 and 1 to show the compliance percentage** 0 meaning: not compliant and 1 meaning: compliant.
* compliance_status: expired, revokedRequired, failed, levelTooLow, required, expiresSoon, expiresSoonNotRequired, levelTooLowSoon, requiredSoon, allFine, revokedNotRequired, failedNotRequired, fineNotRequired. Please note that we have excluded the NoScoreNotRequired status. This status is present in the Alert list but has no meaning when looking at compliance. The events with a planning are included. (Suppress plannings = false)
** compliance_score: default, the compliance_score is the achieved_level divided by the required_level, with a maximum score of 1. If the qualification is not required but it is achieved, the compliance_score is 1. If the qualification is not required and it is not achieved, the compliance_score is 0.
Important Note: The compliance_status and the compliance_score can be used to calculate an average compliance_score. We have included examples in the following article . Remember that the events with ‘levelTooLow’ will have a score between 0 and 1. If you don’t want the calculated average score to include this ‘partial compliance’, you must count them as a 0 instead of their actual score.
Last updated
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