Custom fields
1. What is a custom field?
Custom fields are additional fields that can be added to skills and employees.
2. What is the purpose of custom fields?
Custom fields can be used to track information that is not already included in AG5's default fields of the skill or employee page. Keeping information such as training budget, training provider, training cost, phone number, second email, or the duration of training.
Using custom fields enables you to expand AG5 data with data uniquely relevant to your business. Using custom fields enables you to only expand AG5 with data relevant to your business.
3. How to create a custom field?
Creating custom fields is currently possible through our support team. For adding them, please contact Provide us with the name of the field and the type of the field and on what page you want this field to be visible. It will be possible to create custom fields yourself from AG5 in the future.
When sending a request to support@ag5, you can use the following table as an example:
Phone number
Performance review date
Training duration
Training cost €
4. How to use custom fields?
Currently, the custom fields are visible on the employee page or skill page. Also, you have the ability to export the data from the skill page or employee page. Soon we will launch the functionality to search and filter based on your custom fields on the skill and employee page.
5. Considerations:
The type "Number" cannot accept decimals at this moment. This will be available in the future.
Currently, you only have the ability to add 4 custom fields within the skill or employee page.
Please note that as a new addition to the platform, the custom fields feature is currently undergoing development and refinement. We are dedicated to continuously improving this feature and adding new functionality to enhance the user experience.
Last updated
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